PayPal Wrapper for React Native
Here's another good integration of existing libraries into React Native. MattFoley has brought us PayPal through it's official SDK.
We really hope to see even more of them in the future.
Paypal wrapper for React Native, currently only supports the bare minimum of buying a product.
How To
You're going to need to integrate the official PayPal-iOS-SDK.
Simplest way to do it is through Cocoapods:
Install Cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods
# Move into project's folder
cd ReactPaypal
# Create a Podfile
touch Podfile
Paste this content into Podfile
workspace 'ReactPaypal'
platform :ios, '6.0'
pod 'PayPal-iOS-SDK'
Install and open
pod install
open ReactPaypal.xcworkspace/