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Check out react-native doctor: it's a new command to troubleshoot and fix errors in your environment so you can spend more time building your apps!

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Tweet from @reactnative

React Native 0.61 with Fast Refresh is out. Upgrade today and get a feel for the game changing new reload mechanism.

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React Native v0.61.x released

v0.61.x on GitHub (npm) Release blog post Changelog This is a major release that includes the new reloading experience Fast Refresh. It also removes the React .xcodeproj, fixes use_frameworks! for CocoaPods support, adds a useWindowDimensions hook, an

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Tweet from @reactnative

We are working on three phases in parallel. New NativeModules ("TurboModules") are rolling out to open source in early 2020. The new Renderer ("Fabric") will roll out in mid 2020.

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React Native v0.60.x released

v0.60.0 on GitHub (npm) Release blog post Changelog This feature release of React Native includes many milestone changes for the platform. Please refer to the blog post for selected details. For upgrading users, some of the progress comes with breakin

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